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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number InnUK/102236/01
Title Innovative Forging and Fabrication Solutions for the Energy Sector
Status Completed
Energy Categories Nuclear Fission and Fusion(Nuclear Fission, Nuclear supporting technologies) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND MATHEMATICS (Metallurgy and Materials) 50%;
ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 50%;
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Sheffield Forgemasters RD26 Limited
Award Type Collaborative Research & Development
Funding Source Innovate-UK
Start Date 01 July 2015
End Date 31 December 2017
Duration 30 months
Total Grant Value £2,504,714
Industrial Sectors
Region Yorkshire & Humberside
Programme Competition Call: 1405_CRD_ENE_GEN_ENCATMSR1 - Energy Catalyst - Mid Stage - Round 1. Activity Energy Catalyst Rnd 1 Mid Stage
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , Sheffield Forgemasters RD26 Limited (41.902%)
  Other Investigator Project Contact , Sheffield Hallam University (5.510%)
Project Contact , University of Sheffield (4.787%)
Project Contact , TWI Technology Centre (17.967%)
Project Contact , AMRC (University of Sheffield) (13.878%)
Project Contact , Rolls Royce Power Engineering PLC (15.956%)
Web Site
Abstract The manufacture of large scale civil nuclear components presents many technical, economic and environmental challenges. To enable the UK to successfully compete in the domestic and global nuclear power plant market this project aims to maximise manufacturing efficiency and minimise environmental impact. This will be achieved by utilising advanced near net forging/forming, hollow ingots, high integrity electron beam welding , net shape cladding and high speed machining to dramatically increase material yield and deliver larger, more complex civil nuclear components that have previously been impossible to manufacture domestically. This project also aims to combine process modelling and advanced material characterisation methods to understand and optimise both the manufacturing route and metallurgical response of the components, thus maximising the resultant mechanical properties and component integrity. Through these technological advancements the cost, lead time and embodied energy of nuclear forgings can be greatly reduced resulting in reductions in energy unit prices and CO2 emissions in generation.The manufacture of large scale civil nuclear components presents many technical, economic and environmental challenges. To enable the UK to successfully compete in the domestic and global nuclear power plant market this project aims to maximise manufacturing efficiency and minimise environmental impact. This will be achieved by utilising advanced near net forging/forming, hollow ingots, high integrity electron beam welding , net shape cladding and high speed machining to dramatically increase material yield and deliver larger, more complex civil nuclear components that have previously been impossible to manufacture domestically. This project also aims to combine process modelling and advanced material characterisation methods to understand and optimise both the manufacturing route and metallurgical response of the components, thus maximising the resultant mechanical properties and component integrity. Through these technological advancements the cost, lead time and embodied energy of nuclear forgings can be greatly reduced resulting in reductions in energy unit prices and CO2 emissions in generation.The manufacture of large scale civil nuclear components presents many technical, economic and environmental challenges. To enable the UK to successfully compete in the domestic and global nuclear power plant market this project aims to maximise manufacturing efficiency and minimise environmental impact. This will be achieved by utilising advanced near net forging/forming, hollow ingots, high integrity electron beam welding , net shape cladding and high speed machining to dramatically increase material yield and deliver larger, more complex civil nuclear components that have previously been impossible to manufacture domestically. This project also aims to combine process modelling and advanced material characterisation methods to understand and optimise both the manufacturing route and metallurgical response of the components, thus maximising the resultant mechanical properties and component integrity. Through these technological advancements the cost, lead time and embodied energy of nuclear forgings can be greatly reduced resulting in reductions in energy unit prices and CO2 emissions in generation.The manufacture of large scale civil nuclear components presents many technical, economic and environmental challenges. To enable the UK to successfully compete in the domestic and global nuclear power plant market this project aims to maximise manufacturing efficiency and minimise environmental impact. This will be achieved by utilising advanced near net forging/forming, hollow ingots, high integrity electron beam welding , net shape cladding and high speed machining to dramatically increase material yield and deliver larger, more complex civil nuclear components that have previously been impossible to manufacture domestically. This project also aims to combine process modelling and advanced material characterisation methods to understand and optimise both the manufacturing route and metallurgical response of the components, thus maximising the resultant mechanical properties and component integrity. Through these technological advancements the cost, lead time and embodied energy of nuclear forgings can be greatly reduced resulting in reductions in energy unit prices and CO2 emissions in generation.The manufacture of large scale civil nuclear components presents many technical, economic and environmental challenges. To enable the UK to successfully compete in the domestic and global nuclear power plant market this project aims to maximise manufacturing efficiency and minimise environmental impact. This will be achieved by utilising advanced near net forging/forming, hollow ingots, high integrity electron beam welding , net shape cladding and high speed machining to dramatically increase material yield and deliver larger, more complex civil nuclear components that have previously been impossible to manufacture domestically. This project also aims to combine process modelling and advanced material characterisation methods to understand and optimise both the manufacturing route and metallurgical response of the components, thus maximising the resultant mechanical properties and component integrity. Through these technological advancements the cost, lead time and embodied energy of nuclear forgings can be greatly reduced resulting in reductions in energy unit prices and CO2 emissions in generation.The manufacture of large scale civil nuclear components presents many technical, economic and environmental challenges. To enable the UK to successfully compete in the domestic and global nuclear power plant market this project aims to maximise manufacturing efficiency and minimise environmental impact. This will be achieved by utilising advanced near net forging/forming, hollow ingots, high integrity electron beam welding , net shape cladding and high speed machining to dramatically increase material yield and deliver larger, more complex civil nuclear components that have previously been impossible to manufacture domestically. This project also aims to combine process modelling and advanced material characterisation methods to understand and optimise both the manufacturing route and metallurgical response of the components, thus maximising the resultant mechanical properties and component integrity. Through these technological advancements the cost, lead time and embodied energy of nuclear forgings can be greatly reduced resulting in reductions in energy unit prices and CO2 emissions in generation.
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 07/12/17